2/6/19 Non-Surgical Management of Lumbar Spine Stenosis. Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurology Grand Rounds. Providence, RI USA.
9/27/18 Reliability of Assessing and Diagnosing Muscle Imbalance: The A-D link in the ADTO Model. Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society. Los Angeles, CA.
5/25/18 Spinal Disorder is No Respecter of Age: The Primary Spine Practitioner. Keynote Speaker at European Chiropractic Union Convention. Budapest, Hungary.
5/3/18. Pregnancy-Related Lumbopelvic Pain. Grand Rounds. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women & Infants Hospital. Providence, RI.
4/10/18 Primary Spine Practitioner: A Disruptive Innovation in the Healthcare System. University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic. Bridgeport, CT
3/23/18 Spinal Care Without Opioids: An Integrated Approach. 26th Annual Primary Care Conference of the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI
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9/29-30/17 Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Hernia de Disco Lumbar. Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec. Ecatepec de Morales, México.
5/18/17 Chiropractic Medicine. Rhode Island Department of Health Academic Center Public Health Grand Rounds program on Interdisciplinary Treatment of Pain and Foundational Principles Regarding Addiction, Pain and Opioids. Warren Alpert Medical
School of Brown University, Providence, RI.
5/3/17 Spine Care Without Opioids: An Integrated Approach. Annual Meeting of the American College of Physicians Rhode Island Chapter. Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI.
3/16/17 The Biopsychosocial Model. Annual Meeting of the World Federation of Chiropractic. Washington, DC.
12/1/16 Evidence-Based Chiropractic Care. New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
10/28/16 Low Back Pain Secondary to Degenerative Disc Disease: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Value of Treatment. Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society. Boston, MA.
10/1/16 Chiropractic Medicine. Comprehensive Spine Center Interdisciplinary Spine Conference, Brown University, Providence, RI.
12/3/15 Workplace and Psychosocial Risk Factors for Prolonged Disability - Can I Identify and Solve them Early on in my Clinical Practice? New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
10/14/15 Current and Future State of Spine Care: The Utilization of Advance Practice Providers and Allied Health Providers as Primary Spine Care Practitioner. Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society. Chicago, IL.
10/16/15. Interdisciplinary Spine Forum: Spine Point/Counterpoint: Surgical Versus Nonsurgical Approaches to Spine Care. Panel Discussion at Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society. Chicago, IL.
9/28/15 Primary Spine Care Services – Responding to Runaway Costs and Disappointing Outcomes. Keele University Arthritis Research UK Primary Care Centre, UK
9/27/15 Clinical Excellence as a Primary Spine Practitioner: Applying the CRISP® Protocols. British Chiropractic Association 80th Annual Convention. Bournemouth, UK.
6/29/15 The Primary Practitioner: An Emerging New Role in the Health Care System. Southern California University of Health Sciences, Whittier, CA.
1/27/15 Practice-Based Research in Primary Spine Care. Annual Research Symposium, New York Chiropractic College. Seneca Falls, NY.
12/4/14 Approaches to Low Back Pain. Panel Discussion at annual meeting of the New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Newton, MA.
5/31/14 Evidence-Based Therapies for the Lumbar Spine. Workshop at European Chiropractic Union Convention, Dublin, Ireland.
5/30/14 Evidence-Based Therapies for the Cervical Spine. Workshop at European
Chiropractic Union Convention, Dublin, Ireland.
4/28/14 The Art and Science of Diagnosis in Patients with Low Back Pain. Spine Conference, Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurosurgery. Providence, RI.
4/23/14 Primary Spine Practitioner: An Emerging Role for Doctors of Chiropractic. University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic. Bridgeport, CT.
10/16-17/13 Diagnosis, Management and Rehabilitation of Patients with Lumbar Radiculopathy. Anglo-European Chiropractic College. Bournemouth, UK
8/9/13 Clinical Excellence and Success as a Primary Spine Physician. Palmer College of Chiropractic Homecoming. Davenport, IA.
5/11/13 Evidence-Based Diagnosis of Low Back Related Disorders. Workshop at European Chiropractic Union Convention. Sitges, Spain.
5/10/13 Evidence-Based Diagnosis of Neck Related Disorders. Workshop at European Chiropractic Union Convention. Sitges, Spain.
5/10/13 The “Three Questions of Diagnosis” – The CRISP™ Protocols. European Chiropractic Union Convention. Sitges, Spain
5/8/13 Radiculopatía Cervical. Centro Universitario Escorial - María Cristina. San Lorenzo de el Escorial Madrid, Spain.
5/7/13 Atención Primaria Vertebral. Real Centro Universitario Escorial - María Cristina. San Lorenzo de el Escorial Madrid, Spain.
3/6/13 Understanding Spine Related Disorders: The Biopsychosocial Model. Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurology Grand Rounds. Providence, RI.
3/4/13 The Role of Primary Spine Care in the Coming Health Care Model. Spine Conference, Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurosurgery. Providence, RI.
2/1-3/13 Differential Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathy. Swedish Chiropractic Association. Gothenburg, Sweden.
9/7/12 Differential Diagnosis of Neck Pain. Open lecture and workshop. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Chiropractors Association. Davos, Switzerland.
9/8/12 Evidence-based Treatment of Patients With Neck Pain. Open lecture and workshop. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Chiropractors Association. Davos, Switzerland.
7/13/12 Can Evidence Based Practice be “Practical”? New York Chiropractic College Clinical Educators’ Weekend. Seneca Falls, NY USA.
3/1/12 Cervical Manipulation and Stroke from Vertebral Artery Dissection. Grand Rounds. Tufts University Medical School Department of Neurology. Boston, MA USA.
2/13/12 Diagnosis and Treatment of Sacroiliac Joint Pain. Spine Conference, Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurosurgery. Providence, RI USA.
2/1/12 Non-Surgical Management of Lumbar Radiculopathy. Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurology Grand Rounds. Providence, RI USA.
1/30/12 Putting Evidence Into Practice in the Management of Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathy. Palmer College of Chiropractic. Davenport, IA USA
1/28-29/12 Diagnosis and Management of Lumbar Radiculopathy: Practicing and Communicating Clinical Excellence. Palmer College of Chiropractic. Davenport, IA USA
12/3/11 Whiplash Associated Disorders. Presentation at the conference: The Adult Spine Patient: Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies for the Primary Care Practitioner. Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and Division of Spine Surgery,
Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Rhode Island Hospital. Providence, RI USA.
12/3/11 Chiropractic Care. Workshop at the conference: The Adult Spine Patient: Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies for the Primary Care Practitioner. Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and Division of Spine Surgery, Department of
Orthopedic Surgery at Rhode Island Hospital. Providence, RI USA.
10/27/11 Diagnosis and Non-Surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic. Bridgeport, CT USA.
9/30/11 Diagnosis and Treatment of Pregnancy Related Back Pain. Annual Meeting of the Swedish Chiropractic Association. Malmo, Sweden.
10/1/11 Whiplash: Integrating Biomechanical, Neurological, Psychological and Emotional factors in Treatment. Annual Meeting of the Swedish Chiropractic Association. Malmo, Sweden.
10/1/11 Vertebral Artery Dissection and Stroke: How Should Chiropractors and Others Detect the Signs? Annual Meeting of the Swedish Chiropractic Association. Malmo, Sweden.
10/1/11 The Neurological Effects of Cervical Manipulation. Annual Meeting of the Swedish Chiropractic Association. Malmo, Sweden.
10/2/11 A Clinical Model for the Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes. Annual Meeting of the Swedish Chiropractic Association. Malmo, Sweden.
10/2/11 Non-surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Annual Meeting of the Swedish Chiropractic Association. Malmo, Sweden.
10/14/11 Understanding Soft Tissue Injuries. Rhode Island Bar Association, Providence, RI.
4/27/11 Diagnosis and Non-Surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurology Grand Rounds. Providence, RI.
4/9/11 Chiropractic Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. World Federation of Chiropractic 11th Biennial Congress. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
4/7/11 Workshop: Low Tech Rehabilitation Protocols for the Standard Chiropractic ar
3/28/11 Non-surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Spine Conference, Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurosurgery. Providence, RI.
1/31/11 Non-surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Spine Conference, Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurosurgery. Providence, RI.
12/14/10 Cervical Manipulation and Stroke from Vertebral Artery Dissection. Grand Rounds. New York Univeristy Department of Neurology. New York, NY.
10/15/10 The Postgraduate Clinical Year: The Importance of Residency Training for Chiropractors. World Federation of Chiropractic Educational Conference. Madrid, Spain.
6/5/10 Conservative Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes. Seven Oaks General Hospital. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
5/14/10 Cervical Manipulation and Stroke: Where are we now? European Chiropractic
Union Convention. London, UK.
5/14/10 An Evidence Based Model for Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes. European Chiropractic Union Convention. London, UK.
5/15/10 Case Presentations & Discussion: Presentations and Audience Participation in Diagnosis and Clinical Decision Making. European Chiropractic Union Convention. London, UK.
3/19/10 Cervical Manipulation and Stroke in the Post-Cassidy, et al World: Turning Challenge in to Opportunity. Research Agenda Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Copresenters Scott Haldeman, DC, MD, PhD and Pierre Cote, DC, PhD.
3/15/10 Non-Surgical Management of Lumbar Disc Herniations. Spine Conference, Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurosurgery. Providence, RI.
12/13/09 Commencement address. University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic. Bridgeport, CT.
10/24/09 Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Cervical Spine Disorders. Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics. Odense, Denmark.
10/23/09 Diagnosis and Non-Surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. University of Southern Denmark. Odense, Denmark
10/9/09 A Diagnosis-Based Clinical Decision Rule for Patients with Spinal Pain. American College of Chiropractic Consultants. Chicago, Ill.
6/23/09 Preventing and Managing Low Back Pain. Lunch and Learn. Rhode Island Hospital. Providence, RI.
5/15/09 Improving Clinical Decision Making Skills in Non-Surgical Spine Care. University of Pittsburgh Department of Physical Therapy. Pittsburgh, PA.
4/4/09 Assessment and Treatment of the Cervical Spine. Annual Conference of the British Chiropractic Association. Bournemouth, UK.
3/27/09 The Successful Patient-Centered Practice. Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Toronto, ON Canada
1/7/09 Cervical Manipulation and Stroke: An Update. Rhode Island Hospital Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI.
4/25/08 The American College of Physicians Guidelines for the Management of Low Back Pain: An Overview. Annual Meeting of the Rhode Island Chapter of the American College of Physicians. Warwick, RI.
4/14/08 Non-Surgical Management of Lumbar Spine Stenosis. Spine Conference, Rhode Island Hospital Department of Neurosurgery. Providence, RI
3/29-30/08 Strategic Diagnosis and Management of Spinal Pain: An Evidence-Based Approach. Société Franco-Européenne de Chiropratique. Paris, France
3/14/08 How Can Chiropractic Become a Respected Mainstream Profession? The Example of Podiatry. Research Agenda Conference. Washington, DC
10/18/07 Conservative Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes: From Diagnosis to Rehabilitation. Norwegian Chiropractic Association. Harstad, Norway
9/26/07 Making Sense of Neck and Back Pain. Rhode Island Bar Association. Providence, RI
9/13/07 Chronic Spinal Pain – Mechanisms, Diagnosis, Management. Donley Rehabilitation Center. Providence, RI
7/19/07 Motivating Patients to Return to Work: How Occupational Health Professionals Can Make a Difference. SEAK 27th Annual National Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Medicine Conference, Hyannis, MA
6/27/07 Non-Surgical Management of Lumbar Radiculopathy. Rhode Island Hospital Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI.
5/8/07 Soft Tissue Injuries Explained. Rhode Island Bar Association. Providence, RI
3/19/07 Best Practices Management of the Post-Surgical Spine. Panel discussion at Research Agenda Conference. Pheonix, AZ, March 17, 2007
3/3/07 Cervical Radiculopathy and Whiplash: Diagnosis and Management. Maryland Chiropractic Association. Baltimore, MD
12/16/06 Basing Your Treatment Programs on a Specific Diagnosis: Is it Evidence Based? Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Las Vegas, NV
12/15/06 Grand Rounds Panel Discussion. Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Las Vegas, NV
9/14/06 Appropriate Chiropractic Management of Work Related Back Pain. Beacon Mutual insurance Company. Warwick, RI.
6/10-11/06 Conservative Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes: From Diagnosis to Rehabilitation. Solihull Hospital, Solihull, West Midlands, UK.
4/22/06 Whiplash: Integrating the Biomechanical, Neurological, Psychological and Emotional Factors in Treatment. University of Westmister, School of Integrated Health, London, UK.
3/16/06 Beyond Classification: A Diagnosis-Based Clinical Decision Rule. Chiropractic Research Agenda Conference. Washington, DC.
1/25/06 Non-Surgical Management of Lumbar Spine Stenosis. Rhode Island Hospital Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI.
11/17/05 Nonsurgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, San Francisco, CA.
11/18/05 Grand Rounds Panel Discussion. Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, San Francisco, CA
10/8/05 Whiplash Associated Disorders: Diagnosis, Case Management, Prognosis. American College of Chiropractic Consultants. Chicago, IL USA
4/23/05 An evidence-based approach to cervical rehabilitation. 80th Anniversary Conference of the British Chiropractic Association, Bournemouth, UK.
2/24/05 Nonsurgical Management of Lumbar Spine Stenosis. Geriatric Medicine Fellowship Program. Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, RI
12/16/04 Nonsurgical Management of Low Back Pain. Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Family Practice Grand Rounds, Pawtucket, RI.
12/11/04 Chiropractic Technique Skills workshop. Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Las Vegas, NV.
12/10/04 Grand Rounds Panel Discussion. Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Las Vegas, NV.
11/17/04 Proper Use of Coding for the Chiropractic Practice. Chiropractic Society of Rhode Island. Warwick, RI
10/2-3/04 Conservative Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes. Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics. Middlefart, Denmark.
10/1/04 Neural Mobilization Techniques. Danish Chiropractic Association, Middlefart, Denmark.
9/30/04 Nonsurgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
5/16/04 Rehabilitation of patients with Cervical Spine Syndromes. Society of Musculoskeletal Manual Practitioners of Saskatchewan. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
5/10/04 Nonsurgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Rhode Island Hospital Neurosurgery Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI.
4/24/04 Understanding the Neurophysiology of Chronic Pain. In: Chronic Pain: Myths and Realities. Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, ON, Canada.
4/24/04 Managing the Chronic Pain Patient. In: Chronic Pain: Myths and Realities. Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, ON, Canada.
3/27/04 Diagnosis and Non-surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Swedish Chiropractic Association, Jonkoping, Sweden.
1/21/04 Diagnosis and Non-surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Rhode Island Hospital Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI.
11/15/03 Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Patients with Non-surgical Cervical Pain. Workshop at the Annual Meeting American Back Society, Las Vegas, NV.
11/13/03 Spinal Manipulative Techniques for Cervical Disc Herniation and Key Transitional Joints. Workshop at the Annual Meeting American Back Society, Las Vegas, NV.
10/16/03 Non-surgical Management of Low Back Pain. Orthopedic Spine Conference. Department of Orthopedics, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI.
10/5/03 Rehabilitation of Patients with Cervical Spine Syndromes. Nordic Institute for Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics. Copenhagen, Denmark.
10/3/03 Cervical Radiculopathy and Pseudoradicular Syndromes. Danish Chiropractic Association. Copenhagen, Denmark.
10/2/03 Cervical Stability: Concepts, Evaluation and Rehabilitation. Odense University Hospital, Odense C, Denmark.
5/15/03 Low Back Pain in Pregnancy. Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds, Pawtucket, RI.
5/3/03 Rehabilitation of the Cervical Spine. Workshop at the 7th Biennial Meeting of the World Federation of Chiropractic. Orlando, FL.
5/2/03 Grand Rounds Panel. 7th Biennial Meeting of the World Federation of Chiropractic. Orlando, FL.
4/5-6/03 Conservative Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes: From Diagnosis to Rehabilitation. Solihull Hospital, Solihull, West Midlands, UK.
3/28/03 Nonsurgical Management of Low Back Pain. Rheumatology Grand Rounds. Roger Williams Medical Center, Providence, RI.
2/6/03 Differential Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Headache. University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic, Bridgeport, CT.
10/19/02 Clinical Assessment of the Whiplash Patient. Alberta Motor Association. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
10/20/02 Management and Rehabilitation of the Whiplash Patient. Alberta Motor Association. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
10/20/02 Chronic Pain and Disability After Whiplash. Alberta Motor Association. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
9/19/02 Differential Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Spinal Pain. University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic, Bridgeport, CT.
7/31/02 Differential Diagnosis and Nonsurgical Management of Neck Pain. Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Internal Medicine Residency Program, Pawtucket, RI.
3/19/02 The Neurophysiology of Chronic Spinal Pain: Central Sensitization. Rhode Island Hospital Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI.
12/13/01 Nonsurgical Management of Low Back Pain. Coastal Medical Continuing Education Series. Providence, RI.
12/4/01 Nonsurgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Workshop at Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Orlando, FL
12/3/01 The Neurophysiology of Chronic Spinal Pain: Central Sensitization. Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Orlando, FL
5/24/01 Rehabilitation of the Cervical Spine. Workshop at the 6th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the World Federation of Chiropractic, Paris, France.
5/25/01 Rehabilitation in the Elderly. Paper Presentation at the 6th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the World Federation of Chiropractic, Paris, France.
1/24/01 Unmuddling the Mystery of Low Back Pain. Rhode Island Medical Foundation/ Women’s Health Associates Internal Medicine Group, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
1/24/01 Understanding Whiplash. Rhode Island Hospital Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI.
12/6-8/00 Cervical Stabilization Training. Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
9/22/00 Unmuddling the Mystery of Low Back Pain. Grand Rounds, Department of Family Medicine, Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island, Pawtucket, RI.
3/31-4/1/00 Cervical Spine Management Protocols. Anglo-European Chiropractic College – British Chiropractic Association Joint Conference on Chronic Neck Pain – The Chiropractor’s Role. Bournemouth, UK.
3/18-19/00 Cervicothoracic Pain in Golfers. Backswing Dynamics, Bridgeport, CT.
2/19-20/00 Comprehensive Management of the Cervical Spine Patient. Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
2/18/00 Conservative Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes. Grand Rounds, Rheumatology Department, Roger Williams Medical Center, Providence, RI.
2/3/00 Low Back Pain in Pregnancy. Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women and Infants Hospital, Providence, RI.
12/9/99 Masters’ Round Table. Panel Discussion on the Future of Spine Care in the Coming Century at the Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Las Vegas, Nevada.
12/11/99 Evaluation of Cervical Spine Dysfunction. Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the American Back Society, Las Vegas, Nevada.
10/22/99 Non-surgical Management of Low Back Pain. Grand Rounds, Rheumatology Department, Roger Williams Medical Center, Providence, RI.
10/15-17/99 Cervical Stabilization Training. At the conference, The Functional Approach to Musculoskeletal Medicine, Buffalo, New York.
5/17-22/99 Chiropractic Rehabilitation of the Cervical Spine. Paper presentation to the 5th Biennial Conference of the World Federation of Chiropractic, Auckland, NZ.
5/17-22/99 Rehabilitation in Chiropractic Practice. Workshop at the 5th Biennial Conference of the World Federation of Chiropractic, Auckland, NZ.
4/25-26/99 Role of Muscles in Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes. With Vladimir Janda, MD. Northeast Seminars, Orlando, FL.
12/2/98 The Multidisciplinary Approach to Low Back Pain. With Beverly Walters, MD and Gerhard Friehs, MD. Rhode Island Hospital Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI.
10/24-25/98 A Rehabilitation Approach to the Cervical Spine. Connecticut Chiropractic Association Annual Convention. New Haven, CT.
5/28/98 Understanding Cervical Soft Tissue Injuries in the Medicolegal Context. Newport Bar Association. Portsmouth, RI.
5/2/98 Cervical Causes of Orofacial Pain. Rhode Island Hospital Otolaryngology Department Grand Rounds. Providence, RI.
4/22/98 Panel Discussion on Alternative Medicine. American College of Physicians Rhode Island Chapter, Warwick, RI.
4/14/98 What Is Modern Chiropractic? Memorial Hospital Department of Internal Medicine Residency Program. Pawtucket, RI.
4/9/98 Mechanisms of Spinal Stability and Their Treatment and Rehabilitation. University of Bridgeport College Chiropractic, Bridgeport, CT.
3/27-29/98 Rehabilitation and Manipulation: The Functional Approach to the Locomotor System. Anglo-European Chiropractic College Masters Degree Program. Bournemouth, England.
3/28/98 Cervical Stabilization Training. British Chiropractic Association Annual Convention. Bournemouth, England.
3/24/98 Recognizing the Injured Worker at Risk of Becoming Chronic. Beacon Mutual Insurance Company. Providence, RI.
3/14-15/98 Cervical Spine Rehabilitation. Preferred Chiropractic Physicians IPA. Orlando, FL.
12/10-13/97 Cervical Stabilization Training. Poster presentation at American Back Society Annual Symposium. San Francisco, CA.
11/13/97 Unmuddling the Mystery of Low Back Pain. Rhode Island Hospital Department of General Internal Medicine, Providence, RI
10/26/97 Cervical Spine Rehabilitation. Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Symposium on Advances in Spinal Pain Syndromes, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
10/5/97 Your Aching Back. Brown Learning Community American Contemporary Health Series. Brown University, Providence, RI
8/19/97 Management of Low Back Pain at the Primary Care Level. Rhode Island Hospital Department of General Internal Medicine, Providence, RI
7/16/97 Modern Approaches to Cervicobrachial Disorders. Rhode Island Hand and Orthopedic Center, Cranston, RI
5/16-18/97 Cervical Spine Rehabilitation. Anglo-European Chiropractic College Masters Degree Program, Bournemouth, England
4/30/97 Modern Chiropractic Management of Work Related Low Back Pain. Workers Compensation Committee of the Rhode Island Bar Association, Providence RI
4/17/97 The Cost Containment Model of Back Pain Treatment. Beacon Mutual/Blue Cross Blue Shield Workers Compensation Case Managers, Providence, RI
3/5/97 The Modern Chiropractic Approach to the Cervical Spine. Rhode Island Hospital Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Providence, RI
2/7/97 The Role of Chiropractic Treatment in the Control of Chronic Pain. Women and Infants Hospital, Providence, RI
9/24/96 The Stabilizing Mechanisms of the Spine. University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic, Bridgeport, CT
7/9/96 Alternative Medicine in the Context of the Current American Health Care System. Brown University School of Medicine program for High School students interested in a career in medicine.
5/4/96 Conservative Management for the Non-Surgical Back - A Collaborative Approach. Panel Discussion at the John E. Donley Rehabilitation Center, Providence, RI.
10/6/95 Functional Pathology of the Locomotor System in the Context of Modern Neuromusculoskeletal Care. University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic, Bridgeport, CT
1/22-23/94 Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscle Pain Syndromes, New York Chiropractic College, Uniondale, N.Y.
4/21/93 Diagnosis and Management of Lumbar Spine Pain Syndromes, Chiropractic Society of Rhode Island, Warwick, R.I.
3/22/93 What is Modern Chiropractic?, Brown University Pre Med Department, Providence, R.I.
10/10-11/92 Muscular Pathology in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Low Back and Neck Pain. Texas Chiropractic College, Houston, Texas.